Category: Ukulele
The 21 Day Project – Day 13 – Mealy Bug
My phone was charging so I used to choose today’s number… 77. Argh!! Yet another insect. The Mealy Bug. I was not really sure what a Mealy Bug was. Wikipedia once again informs me of the vast complexity and ingenuity of the insect world. From Wikipedia: Mealybug females feed on plant sap, normally in…
The 21 Day Project Day 11 – Bed Bug
Another day, another parasite. That’s 2 in a row that are “randomly” generated for inspiration. From Wikipedia:Bed bugs are parasitic insects from the genus Cimex, who are micropredators that feed on blood, usually at night. Their bites can result in a number of health impacts, including skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic symptoms. Treatment is…
The 21 Day Project Day 09 – Deer
Today is my 9th day of the 21 Day Project of 2024. This is usually the day I start to wonder why I participate in these projects since they are very time consuming. I don’t like leaving things unfinished, so I will carry on. Must… carry… on… There is a benefit to all of this.…
The 21 Day Project 07 – Giraffe
There’s nothing quite like nooodling with sound after a pleasant afternooon nap. That’s where I find myself after randomly selecting the Giraffe as my inspiration for the day. When it came up, I was happy but not sure if I could do justice to my favorite spirit animal. So here is something short and sweet…
The 21 Day Project Day 06 – The Lion
It’s Day 6 of The 21 Day Project. Today the Lion was chosen at random for today’s nooodle inspiration. Selecting the instrument for this was a no-brainer since I actually have an ukulele called “The Lion.” It is the signature ukulele for the band “Lion” and it is made by AnueNue. The design is basically…
The 21 Day Project – Day04 – Wolf
Today I thought I’s show how I pick the animal or insect for the day. I can now mirror my iPhone on my desktop computer (Mac). I bring up the numbered list of animals and insects and use the Pretty Random app to choose the number. I feel a bit wistful about the wolf and…
The 21 Day Project – Day 03 – Praying Mantis
Today is Day 3 of The 21 Day Project. As luck should have it, The Praying Mantis got selected. I decided to use possibly my most beautiful sounding ukulele that I own for this one. I was really feeling it should be a slow, Low G cool down nooodle. It’s very different from the previous…
The 21 Day Project – Day 02 – Flea
Today’s creature is the flea. It’s funny to see that my “random” picks are so common. The first thing I thought of was to get a good scratching track added in as the foundation for the piece. I also decided to use a soprano ukulele and play up the fretboard for the higher pitched sounds.…
The 21 Day Project – Day 01 – Chimpanzee
NOTE: Check out the about page and my first post to understand what is going on here. Today is the start of The 21 Day Project. It’s organized by the same folks that produce The 100 Day Project. Starting these projects is always interesting (a.k.a crazy) as I wrangle all the parts together and figure…